Python Usage

The full feature set of awslimitchecker is available through the Python API. This page attempts to document some examples of usage, but the best resources are runner, the command line wrapper, and the API documentation.

Simple Examples

Many of these examples use pprint to make output a bit nicer.

Instantiating the Class

Here we import and instantiate the AwsLimitChecker class; note that we also setup Python’s logging module, which is used by awslimitchecker. We also import pprint to make the output nicer.

>>> import pprint
>>> import logging
>>> logging.basicConfig()
>>> logger = logging.getLogger()
>>> from awslimitchecker.checker import AwsLimitChecker
>>> c = AwsLimitChecker()

Setting a Limit Override

Override EC2’s “EC2-Classic Elastic IPs” limit from its default to 20, using set_limit_override().

>>> c.set_limit_override('EC2', 'EC2-Classic Elastic IPs', 20)

Checking Thresholds

To check the current usage against limits, use check_thresholds(). The return value is a nested dict of all limits with current usage meeting or exceeding the configured thresholds. Keys are the AWS Service names (string), values are dicts of limit name (string) to AwsLimit instances representing the limit and its current usage.

>>> result = c.check_thresholds()
>>> pprint.pprint(result)
{'EC2': {'Magnetic volume storage (TiB)': <awslimitchecker.limit.AwsLimit object at 0x7f398db62750>,
         'Running On-Demand EC2 instances': <awslimitchecker.limit.AwsLimit object at 0x7f398db55910>,
         'Running On-Demand m3.medium instances': <awslimitchecker.limit.AwsLimit object at 0x7f398db55a10>,
         'Security groups per VPC': <awslimitchecker.limit.AwsLimit object at 0x7f398db62790>}}

Looking at one of the entries, its get_warnings() method tells us that the usage did not exceed its warning threshold:

>>> result['EC2']['Magnetic volume storage (TiB)'].get_warnings()

But its get_criticals() method tells us that it did meet or exceed the critical threshold:

>>> result['EC2']['Magnetic volume storage (TiB)'].get_criticals()
[<awslimitchecker.limit.AwsLimitUsage object at 0x7f2074dfeed0>]

We can then inspect the AwsLimitUsage instance for more information about current usage that crossed the threshold:

In this particular case, there is no resource ID associated with the usage, because it is an aggregate (type-, rather than resource-specific) limit:

>>> result['EC2']['Magnetic volume storage (TiB)'].get_criticals()[0].resource_id

The usage is of the EC2 Volume resource type (where one exists, we use the CloudFormation Resource Type strings to identify resource types).

>>> result['EC2']['Magnetic volume storage (TiB)'].get_criticals()[0].aws_type

We can query the actual numeric usage value:

>>> pprint.pprint(result['EC2']['Magnetic volume storage (TiB)'].get_criticals()[0].get_value())

Or a string description of it:

>>> print(str(result['EC2']['Magnetic volume storage (TiB)'].get_criticals()[0]))

The “Security groups per VPC” limit also crossed thresholds, and we can see that it has one critical usage value:

>>> len(result['EC2']['Security groups per VPC'].get_warnings())
>>> len(result['EC2']['Security groups per VPC'].get_criticals())

As this limit is per-VPC, our string representation of the current usage includes the VPC ID that crossed the critical threshold:

>>> for usage in result['EC2']['Security groups per VPC'].get_criticals():
...     print(str(usage))

Disabling Trusted Advisor

To disable querying Trusted Advisor for limit information, simply call get_limits() or check_thresholds() with use_ta=False:

>>> result = c.check_thresholds(use_ta=False)

Advanced Examples

CI / Deployment Checks

This example checks usage, logs a message at WARNING level for any warning thresholds surpassed, and logs a message at CRITICAL level for any critical thresholds passed. If any critical thresholds were passed, it exits the script non-zero, i.e. to fail a CI or build job. In this example, we have multiple critical thresholds crossed.

>>> import logging
>>> logging.basicConfig()
>>> logger = logging.getLogger()
>>> from awslimitchecker.checker import AwsLimitChecker
>>> c = AwsLimitChecker()
>>> result = c.check_thresholds()
>>> have_critical = False
>>> for service, svc_limits in result.items():
...     for limit_name, limit in svc_limits.items():
...         for warn in limit.get_warnings():
...             logger.warning("{service} '{limit_name}' usage ({u}) exceeds "
...                            "warning threshold (limit={l})".format(
...                                service=service,
...                                limit_name=limit_name,
...                                u=str(warn),
...                                l=limit.get_limit(),
...                            )
...             )
...         for crit in limit.get_criticals():
...             have_critical = True
...             logger.critical("{service} '{limit_name}' usage ({u}) exceeds "
...                            "critical threshold (limit={l})".format(
...                                service=service,
...                                limit_name=limit_name,
...                                u=str(crit),
...                                l=limit.get_limit(),
...                            )
...             )
CRITICAL:root:EC2 'Magnetic volume storage (TiB)' usage (23.417) exceeds critical threshold (limit=20)
CRITICAL:root:EC2 'Running On-Demand EC2 instances' usage (97) exceeds critical threshold (limit=20)
WARNING:root:EC2 'Security groups per VPC' usage (vpc-c300b9a6=96) exceeds warning threshold (limit=100)
CRITICAL:root:EC2 'Running On-Demand m3.medium instances' usage (53) exceeds critical threshold (limit=20)
CRITICAL:root:EC2 'EC2-Classic Elastic IPs' usage (5) exceeds critical threshold (limit=5)
>>> if have_critical:
...     raise SystemExit(1)
(awslimitchecker)$ echo $?