
class, critical_threshold, boto_connection_kwargs, quotas_client)[source]


Describes an AWS service and its limits, and provides methods to query current utilization.

Constructors of _AwsService subclasses must not make any external connections; these must be made lazily as needed in other methods. _AwsService subclasses should be usable without any external network connections.

  • warning_threshold (int) – the default warning threshold, as an integer percentage, for any limits without a specifically-set threshold.
  • critical_threshold (int) – the default critical threshold, as an integer percentage, for any limits without a specifically-set threshold.
  • boto_connection_kwargs (dict) – Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to boto connection methods.
  • quotas_client (ServiceQuotasClient or None) – Instance of ServiceQuotasClient
__module__ = ''

calculate On-Demand instance usage for all types and update Limits


calculate usage for VPC-related things


calculate spot fleet request usage and update Limits


calculate spot instance request usage and update Limits


Return a dict of limits for EC2 instances only, for regions using non-vCPU-based (old-style) On Demand Instances limits. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`.

Return type:dict

Return a dict of limits for EC2 instances only, for regions using vCPU-based (new-style) On Demand Instances limits. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`.

Return type:dict

Return a dict of VPC-related limits only. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`.

Return type:dict

Return a dict of limits for spot requests only. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`.

Return type:dict

For each availability zone, get the count of current instance reservations of each instance type. Return as a nested dict of AZ name to dict of instance type to reservation count.

Return type:dict

Return a list of all known EC2 instance types

Returns:list of all valid known EC2 instance types
Return type:list

Find counts of currently-running EC2 Instances (On-Demand or Reserved) by placement (Availability Zone) and instance type (size). Return as a nested dict of AZ name to dict of instance type to count.

Return type:dict

Find counts of currently-running EC2 Instance vCPUs (On-Demand or Reserved) by instance family. Return as a dict of instance family letter to count.

Parameters:ris (dict) – nested dict of reserved instances, as returned by _get_reserved_instance_count()
Return type:dict

Query EC2’s DescribeAccountAttributes API action, and update limits with the quotas returned. Updates self.limits.


Return whether or not to use the new vCPU-based limits.

Returns:whether to use vCPU-based limits (True) or older per-instance-type limits (False)
Return type:bool
api_name = 'ec2'
default_limit_name = 'Running On-Demand All Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) instances'

Name of default limit for all other (standard) instance families.

default_quota_name = 'Running On-Demand Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) instances'

Name of default Service Quota for all other (standard) families.


Determine the current usage for each limit of this service, and update corresponding Limit via _add_current_usage().


Return all known limits for this service, as a dict of their names to AwsLimit objects.

Returns:dict of limit names to AwsLimit objects
Return type:dict
instance_family_to_limit_name = {'f': 'Running On-Demand All F instances', 'g': 'Running On-Demand All G instances', 'p': 'Running On-Demand All P instances', 'x': 'Running On-Demand All X instances'}

Mapping of lower-case instance family character (instance type first character) to limit name for that family.

instance_family_to_quota_name = {'f': 'Running On-Demand F instances', 'g': 'Running On-Demand G instances', 'p': 'Running On-Demand P instances', 'x': 'Running On-Demand X instances'}

Mapping of lower-case instance family character to Service Quotas quota name for that family.

instance_family_to_spot_limit_name = {'F': 'All F Spot Instance Requests', 'G': 'All G Spot Instance Requests', 'Inf': 'All Inf Spot Instance Requests', 'P': 'All P Spot Instance Requests', 'Standard': 'All Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) Spot Instance Requests', 'X': 'All X Spot Instance Requests'}
no_quotas_types = ['c5d.12xlarge', 'c5d.24xlarge', 'c5d.metal', 'cc1.4xlarge', 'cg1.4xlarge', 'cr1.8xlarge', 'g4dn.metal', 'hi1.4xlarge', 'hs1.8xlarge', 'm5dn.metal', 'm5n.metal', 'r5dn.metal', 'r5n.metal', 'u-18tb1.metal', 'u-24tb1.metal']

List of instance types that aren’t exposed via Service Quotas

quotas_service_code = 'ec2'

Return a list of IAM Actions required for this Service to function properly. All Actions will be shown with an Effect of “Allow” and a Resource of “*”.

Returns:list of IAM Action strings
Return type:list
service_name = 'EC2'