Source code for


The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2015 Jason Antman <> <>

    This file is part of awslimitchecker, also known as awslimitchecker.

    awslimitchecker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    awslimitchecker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with awslimitchecker.  If not, see <>.

The Copyright and Authors attributions contained herein may not be removed or
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While not legally required, I sincerely request that anyone who finds
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either as a pull request on GitHub, or to me via email.

Jason Antman <> <>

import abc
import logging
from awslimitchecker.connectable import Connectable

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class _AwsService(Connectable): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta service_name = 'baseclass'
[docs] def __init__(self, warning_threshold, critical_threshold, account_id=None, account_role=None, region=None, external_id=None): """ Describes an AWS service and its limits, and provides methods to query current utilization. Constructors of _AwsService subclasses *must not* make any external connections; these must be made lazily as needed in other methods. _AwsService subclasses should be usable without any external network connections. :param warning_threshold: the default warning threshold, as an integer percentage, for any limits without a specifically-set threshold. :type warning_threshold: int :param critical_threshold: the default critical threshold, as an integer percentage, for any limits without a specifically-set threshold. :type critical_threshold: int :param account_id: `AWS Account ID < latest/gr/acct-identifiers.html>`_ (12-digit string, currently numeric) for the account to connect to (destination) via STS :type account_id: str :param account_role: the name of an `IAM Role < html>`_ (in the destination account) to assume :param region: AWS region name to connect to :type region: str :type account_role: str :param external_id: (optional) the `External ID < com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_create_for-user_externalid.html>`_ string to use when assuming a role via STS. :type external_id: str """ self.warning_threshold = warning_threshold self.critical_threshold = critical_threshold self.account_id = account_id self.account_role = account_role self.region = region self.external_id = external_id self.limits = {} self.limits = self.get_limits() self.conn = None self._have_usage = False
[docs] def connect(self): """ If not already done, establish a connection to the relevant AWS service and save as ``self.conn``. If ``self.region`` is defined, call ``self.connect_via()`` (:py:meth:`~.Connectable.connect_via`) passing the appripriate boto ``connect_to_region()`` function as the argument, else call the boto.connect_SERVICE_NAME() method directly. """ """ if self.conn is not None: return elif self.region: self.conn = self.connect_via(boto.ec2.connect_to_region) else: self.conn = boto.connect_ec2() """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract base class')
[docs] def find_usage(self): """ Determine the current usage for each limit of this service, and update the ``current_usage`` property of each corresponding :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` instance. This method must set ``self._have_usage = True`` """ """ logger.debug("Checking usage for service {n}".format( n=self.service_name)) self.connect() # find usage here logger.debug("Done checking usage.") self._have_usage = True """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract base class')
[docs] def get_limits(self): """ Return all known limits for this service, as a dict of their names to :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` objects. All limits must have ``self.warning_threshold`` and ``self.critical_threshold`` passed into them. :returns: dict of limit names to :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` objects :rtype: dict """ """ if self.limits != []: return self.limits # else define the limits """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract base class')
[docs] def required_iam_permissions(self): """ Return a list of IAM Actions required for this Service to function properly. All Actions will be shown with an Effect of "Allow" and a Resource of "*". :returns: list of IAM Action strings :rtype: list """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract base class')
[docs] def set_limit_override(self, limit_name, value, override_ta=True): """ Set a new limit ``value`` for the specified limit, overriding the default. If ``override_ta`` is True, also use this value instead of any found by Trusted Advisor. This method simply passes the data through to the :py:meth:`~awslimitchecker.limit.AwsLimit.set_limit_override` method of the underlying :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` instance. :param limit_name: the name of the limit to override the value for :type limit_name: string :param value: the new value to set for the limit :type value: int :param override_ta: whether or not to also override Trusted Advisor information :type override_ta: bool :raises: ValueError if limit_name is not known to this service """ try: self.limits[limit_name].set_limit_override( value, override_ta=override_ta ) logger.debug( "Overriding %s limit %s; default=%d override=%d", self.service_name, limit_name, value, self.limits[limit_name].default_limit, ) except KeyError: raise ValueError("{s} service has no '{l}' limit".format( s=self.service_name, l=limit_name))
[docs] def _set_ta_limit(self, limit_name, value): """ Set the value for the limit as reported by Trusted Advisor, for the specified limit. This method should only be called by :py:class:`~.TrustedAdvisor`. :param limit_name: the name of the limit to override the value for :type limit_name: string :param value: the Trusted Advisor limit value :type value: int :raises: ValueError if limit_name is not known to this service """ try: self.limits[limit_name]._set_ta_limit(value) logger.debug( "Setting %s limit %s TA limit to %d", self.service_name, limit_name, value, ) except KeyError: raise ValueError("{s} service has no '{l}' limit".format( s=self.service_name, l=limit_name))
[docs] def set_threshold_override(self, limit_name, warn_percent=None, warn_count=None, crit_percent=None, crit_count=None): """ Override the default warning and critical thresholds used to evaluate the specified limit's usage. Theresholds can be specified as a percentage of the limit, or as a usage count, or both. :param warn_percent: new warning threshold, percentage used :type warn_percent: int :param warn_count: new warning threshold, actual count/number :type warn_count: int :param crit_percent: new critical threshold, percentage used :type crit_percent: int :param crit_count: new critical threshold, actual count/number :type crit_count: int """ try: self.limits[limit_name].set_threshold_override( warn_percent=warn_percent, warn_count=warn_count, crit_percent=crit_percent, crit_count=crit_count ) except KeyError: raise ValueError("{s} service has no '{l}' limit".format( s=self.service_name, l=limit_name))
[docs] def check_thresholds(self): """ Checks current usage against configured thresholds for all limits for this service. :returns: a dict of limit name to :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` instance for all limits that crossed one or more of their thresholds. :rtype: :py:obj:`dict` of :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` """ if not self._have_usage: self.find_usage() ret = {} for name, limit in self.limits.items(): if limit.check_thresholds() is False: ret[name] = limit return ret