
Any and all contributions to awslimitchecker are welcome. Guidelines for submitting code contributions in the form of pull requests on GitHub can be found below. For guidelines on submitting bug reports or feature requests, please see the Getting Help documentation. For any contributions that don’t fall into the above categories, please open an issue for further assistance.

Pull Requests

Please cut all pull requests against the “develop” branch. I’ll do my best to merge them as quickly as possible. If they pass all unit tests and have 100% coverage, it’ll certainly be easier. I work on this project only in my personal time, so I can’t always get things merged as quickly as I’d like. That being said, I’m committed to doing my best, and please call me out on it if you feel like I’m not.

Pull Request Guidelines

  • All pull requests should be made against the develop branch, NOT master.
  • If you have not contributed to the project before, all pull requests must include a statement that your contribution is being made under the same license as the awslimitchecker project (or any subsequent version of that license if adopted by awslimitchecker), may perpetually be included in and distributed with awslimitchecker, and that you have the legal power to agree to these terms.
  • Code should conform to the Guidelines below.
  • If you have difficulty writing tests for the code, feel free to ask for help or submit the PR without tests. This will increase the amount of time it takes to get merged, but I’d rather write tests for your code than write all the code myself.
  • If you make changes to the versioncheck code, be sure to locally run the -versioncheck tox tests.
  • You’ve rebuilt the documentation using tox -e docs

Installing for Development

To setup awslimitchecker for development:

  1. Fork the awslimitchecker repository on GitHub
  2. Create a virtualenv to run the code in:
$ virtualenv awslimitchecker
$ cd awslimitchecker
$ source bin/activate
  1. Install your fork in the virtualenv as an editable git clone
$ pip install -e
$ cd src/awslimitchecker
  1. Check out a new git branch. If you’re working on a GitHub issue you opened, your branch should be called “issues/N” where N is the issue number.


  • pep8 compliant with some exceptions (see pytest.ini)
  • 100% test coverage with pytest (with valid tests)
  • Complete, correctly-formatted documentation for all classes, functions and methods.
  • Connections to the AWS services should only be made by the class’s connect() and connect_resource() methods, inherited from the Connectable mixin.
  • All modules should have (and use) module-level loggers.
  • See the section on the AGPL license below.
  • Commit messages should be meaningful, and reference the Issue number if you’re working on a GitHub issue (i.e. “issue #x - <message>”). Please refrain from using the “fixes #x” notation unless you are sure that the the issue is fixed in that commit.
  • Unlike many F/OSS projects on GitHub, there is no reason to squash your commits; this just loses valuable history and insight into the development process, which could prove valuable if a bug is introduced by your work. Until GitHub fixes this, we’ll live with a potentially messy git log in order to keep the history.

Adding New Limits and Checks to Existing Services

First, note that all calls to boto3 client (“low-level”) methods that return a dict response that can include ‘NextToken’ or another pagination marker, should be called through paginate_dict() with the appropriate parameters.

  1. Add a new AwsLimit instance to the return value of the Service class’s get_limits() method. If Trusted Advisor returns data for this limit, be sure the service and limit names match those returned by Trusted Advisor.
  2. In the Service class’s find_usage() method (or a method called by that, in the case of large or complex services), get the usage information via self.conn and/or self.resource_conn and pass it to the appropriate AwsLimit object via its _add_current_usage() method. For anything more than trivial services (those with only 2-3 limits), find_usage() should be broken into multiple methods, generally one per AWS API call.
  3. If the service has an API call that retrieves current limit values, and its results include your new limit, ensure that this value is updated in the limit via its _set_api_limit() method. This should be done in the Service class’s _update_limits_from_api() method.
  4. Ensure complete test coverage for the above.

In cases where the AWS service API has a different name than what is reported by Trusted Advisor, or legacy cases where Trusted Advisor support is retroactively added to a limit already in awslimitchecker, you must pass the ta_service_name and ta_limit_name parameters to the AwsLimit constructor, specifying the string values that are returned by Trusted Advisor.

Adding New Services

All Services are sublcasses of _AwsService using the abc module.

First, note that all calls to boto3 client (“low-level”) methods that return a dict response that can include ‘NextToken’ or another pagination marker, should be called through paginate_dict() with the appropriate parameters.

  1. The new service name should be in CamelCase, preferably one word (if not one word, it should be underscore-separated). In awslimitchecker/services, use the addservice script; this will create a templated service class in the current directory, and create a templated (but far from complete) unit test file in awslimitchecker/tests/services:
./addservice ServiceName
  1. Find all “TODO” comments in the newly-created files; these have instructions on things to change for new services. Add yourself to the Authors section in the header if desired.
  2. Add an import line for the new service in awslimitchecker/services/
  3. Be sure to set the class’s api_name attribute to the correct name of the AWS service API (i.e. the parameter passed to boto3.client). This string can typically be found at the top of the Service page in the boto3 docs.
  4. Write at least high-level tests; TDD is greatly preferred.
  5. Implement all abstract methods from _AwsService and any other methods you need; small, easily-testable methods are preferred. Ensure all methods have full documentation. For simple services, you need only to search for “TODO” in the new service class you created (#1). See Adding New Limits for further information.
  6. If your service has an API action to retrieve limit/quota information (i.e. DescribeAccountAttributes for EC2 and RDS), ensure that the service class has an _update_limits_from_api() method which makes this API call and updates each relevant AwsLimit via its _set_api_limit() method.
  7. Test your code; 100% test coverage is expected, and mocks should be using autospec or spec_set.
  8. Ensure the required_iam_permissions() method of your new class returns a list of all IAM permissions required for it to work.
  9. Run all tox jobs, or at least one python version, docs and coverage.
  10. Commit the updated documentation to the repository.
  11. As there is no programmatic way to validate IAM policies, once you are done writing your service, grab the output of awslimitchecker --iam-policy, login to your AWS account, and navigate to the IAM page. Click through to create a new policy, paste the output of the --iam-policy command, and click the “Validate Policy” button. Correct any errors that occur; for more information, see the AWS IAM docs on Using Policy Validator. It would also be a good idea to run any policy changes through the Policy Simulator.
  12. Submit your pull request.

Trusted Advisor Checks

So long as the Service and Limit name strings returned by the Trusted Advisor (Support) API exactly match how they are set on the corresponding _AwsService and AwsLimit objects, no code changes are needed to support new limit checks from TA.

For further information, see Internals / Trusted Advisor.

Unit Testing

Testing is done via pytest, driven by tox.

  • testing is as simple as:
    • pip install tox
    • tox
  • If you want to see code coverage: tox -e cov
    • this produces two coverage reports - a summary on STDOUT and a full report in the htmlcov/ directory
  • If you want to pass additional arguments to pytest, add them to the tox command line after “–”. i.e., for verbose pytext output on py27 tests: tox -e py27 -- -v

Note that while boto currently doesn’t have python3 support, we still run tests against py3 to ensure that this package is ready for it when boto is.

Integration Testing

Integration tests are automatically run in TravisCI for all non-pull request branches. You can run them manually from your local machine using:

tox -r -e integration,integration3

These tests simply run awslimitchecker‘s CLI script for both usage and limits, for all services and each service individually. Note that this covers a very small amount of the code, as the account that I use for integration tests has virtually no resources in it.

If integration tests fail, check the required IAM permissions. The IAM user that I use for Travis integration tests has a manually-maintained IAM policy.

Building Docs

Much like the test suite, documentation is build using tox:

$ tox -e docs

Output will be in the docs/build/html directory under the project root.

AGPL License

awslimitchecker is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 or later.

Pursuant to Sections 5(b) and 13 of the license, all users of awslimitchecker - including those interacting with it remotely over a network - have a right to obtain the exact, unmodified running source code. We have done as much as possible to make this transparent to developers, with no additional work needed. See the guidelines below for information.

  • If you’re simply running awslimitchecker via the command line, there’s nothing to worry about; just use it like any other software.
  • If you’re using awslimitchecker in your own software in a way that allows users to interact with it over the network (i.e. in your deployment or monitoring systems), but not modifying it, you also don’t need to do anything special; awslimitchecker will log a WARNING-level message indicating where the source code of the currently-running version can be obtained. So long as you’ve installed awslimitchecker via Python’s packaging system (i.e. with pip), its current version and source will be automatically detected. This suffices for the AGPL source code offer provision, so long as it’s displayed to users and the currently-running source is unmodified.
  • If you wish to modify the source code of awslimitchecker, you need to do is ensure that _get_version_info() always returns correct and accutate information (a publicly-accessible URL to the exact version of the running source code, and a version number). If you install your modified version directly from an editable (i.e. pip install -e), publicly-accessible Git repository, and ensure that changes are available in the repository before they are present in the code running for your users, this should be automatically detected by awslimitchecker and the correct URL provided. It is strongly recommended that any such repository is a fork of the project’s original GitHub repository. It is solely your responsibility to ensure that the URL and version information presented to users is accurate and reflects source code identical to what is running.
  • If you’re distributing awslimitchecker with modifications or as part of your own software (as opposed to simply an editable requirement that gets installed with pip), please read the license and ensure that you comply with its terms.
  • If you are running awslimitchecker as part of a hosted service that users somehow interact with, please ensure that the source code URL and version is correct and visible in the output given to users.

Handling Issues and PRs

All PRs and new work should be based off of the develop branch.

PRs can be merged if they look good, and CHANGES.rst updated after the merge.

For issues:

  1. Cut a issues/number branch off of develop.
  2. Work the issue, come up with a fix. Commit early and often, and mention “issue #x - <message>” in your commit messages.
  3. When you believe you have a working fix, build docs (tox -e docs) and push to origin. Ensure all Travis tests pass.
  4. Ensure that coverage has increased or stayed the same.
  5. Update CHANGES.rst for the fix; commit this with a message like “fixes #x - <message>” and push to origin.
  6. Open a new pull request against the develop branch for this change; once all tests pass, merge it to develop.
  7. Assign the “unreleased fix” label to the issue. It should be closed automatically when develop is merged to master for a release, but this lets us track which issues have unreleased fixes.

Release Checklist

  1. Open an issue for the release; cut a branch off develop for that issue.
  2. Build docs (tox -e localdocs) and ensure they’re current; commit any changes.
  3. Ensure that Travis tests are passing in all environments. If there were any changes to awslimitchecker/ or awslimitchecker/tests/, manually run ALL of the -versioncheck tox environments (these are problematic in Travis and with PRs).
  4. Ensure that test coverage is no less than the last release (ideally, 100%).
  5. Create or update an actual IAM user with the policy from awslimitchecker --iam-policy; run the command line wrapper and ensure that the policy works and contains all needed permissions.
  6. Build docs for the branch (locally) and ensure they look correct.
  7. Increment the version number in awslimitchecker/ and add version and release date to CHANGES.rst. Ensure that there are CHANGES.rst entries for all major changes since the last release. Mention the issue in the commit for this, and push to GitHub.
  8. Confirm that README.rst renders correctly on GitHub.
  9. Upload package to testpypi, confirm that README.rst renders correctly.
  10. Create a pull request for the release to be merge into master. Upon successful Travis build, merge it.
  11. Tag the release in Git, push tag to GitHub:
  • tag the release. for now the message is quite simple: git tag -a X.Y.Z -m 'X.Y.Z released YYYY-MM-DD'
  • push the tag to GitHub: git push origin X.Y.Z
  1. Upload package to live pypi:
    • twine upload dist/*
  2. make sure any GH issues fixed in the release were closed.
  3. merge master back into develop
  4. Log in to ReadTheDocs and enable build of the tag.
  5. Blog, tweet, etc. about the new version.