
class, critical_threshold, boto_connection_kwargs={})[source]


Describes an AWS service and its limits, and provides methods to query current utilization.

Constructors of _AwsService subclasses must not make any external connections; these must be made lazily as needed in other methods. _AwsService subclasses should be usable without any external network connections.

  • warning_threshold (int) – the default warning threshold, as an integer percentage, for any limits without a specifically-set threshold.
  • critical_threshold (int) – the default critical threshold, as an integer percentage, for any limits without a specifically-set threshold.
  • profile_name (str) – The name of a profile in the cross-SDK shared credentials file for boto3 to retrieve AWS credentials from.
  • account_id (str) – AWS Account ID (12-digit string, currently numeric) for the account to connect to (destination) via STS
  • account_role (str) – the name of an IAM Role (in the destination account) to assume
  • region (str) – AWS region name to connect to
  • external_id (str) – (optional) the External ID string to use when assuming a role via STS.
  • mfa_serial_number (str) – (optional) the MFA Serial Number string to use when assuming a role via STS.
  • mfa_token (str) – (optional) the MFA Token string to use when assuming a role via STS.
__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = ''
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 30
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>

calculate On-Demand instance usage for all types and update Limits


calculate usage for VPC-related things


calculate spot fleet request usage and update Limits


calculate spot instance request usage and update Limits


Return a dict of limits for EC2 instances only. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`.

Return type:dict

Return a dict of VPC-related limits only. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`.

Return type:dict

Return a dict of limits for spot requests only. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`.

Return type:dict

For each availability zone, get the count of current instance reservations of each instance type. Return as a nested dict of AZ name to dict of instance type to reservation count.

Return type:dict

Return a list of all known EC2 instance types

Returns:list of all valid known EC2 instance types
Return type:list

Find counts of currently-running EC2 Instances (On-Demand or Reserved) by placement (Availability Zone) and instance type (size). Return as a nested dict of AZ name to dict of instance type to count.

Return type:dict

Query EC2’s DescribeAccountAttributes API action, and update limits with the quotas returned. Updates self.limits.

api_name = 'ec2'

Determine the current usage for each limit of this service, and update corresponding Limit via _add_current_usage().


Return all known limits for this service, as a dict of their names to AwsLimit objects.

Returns:dict of limit names to AwsLimit objects
Return type:dict

Return a list of IAM Actions required for this Service to function properly. All Actions will be shown with an Effect of “Allow” and a Resource of “*”.

Returns:list of IAM Action strings
Return type:list
service_name = 'EC2'