awslimitchecker.alerts.base module

class awslimitchecker.alerts.base.AlertProvider(region_name)[source]

Bases: object

Initialize an AlertProvider class. This MUST be overridden by subclasses. All configuration must be passed as keyword arguments to the class constructor (these come from --alert-config CLI arguments). Any dependency imports must be made in the constructor. The constructor should do as much as possible to validate configuration.

Parameters:region_name (str) – the name of the region we’re connected to
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'awslimitchecker.alerts.base', '__metaclass__': <class 'abc.ABCMeta'>, '__init__': <function AlertProvider.__init__>, 'on_success': <function AlertProvider.on_success>, 'on_critical': <function AlertProvider.on_critical>, 'on_warning': <function AlertProvider.on_warning>, 'providers_by_name': <staticmethod object>, 'get_provider_by_name': <staticmethod object>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'AlertProvider' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'AlertProvider' objects>, '__doc__': None})

Initialize an AlertProvider class. This MUST be overridden by subclasses. All configuration must be passed as keyword arguments to the class constructor (these come from --alert-config CLI arguments). Any dependency imports must be made in the constructor. The constructor should do as much as possible to validate configuration.

Parameters:region_name (str) – the name of the region we’re connected to

alias of abc.ABCMeta

__module__ = 'awslimitchecker.alerts.base'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

static get_provider_by_name(name)[source]

Get a reference to the provider class with the specified name.

Parameters:name (str) – name of the AlertProvider subclass
Returns:AlertProvider subclass
Return type:class
on_critical(problems, problem_str, exc=None, duration=None)[source]

Method called when the run encountered errors, or at least one critical threshold was met or crossed.

  • problems (dict or None) – dict of service name to nested dict of limit name to limit, same format as the return value of check_thresholds(). None if exc is specified.
  • problem_str (str or None) – String representation of problems, as displayed in awslimitchecker command line output. None if exc is specified.
  • exc (Exception) – Exception object that was raised during the run (optional)
  • duration (float) – duration of the run

Method called when no thresholds were breached, and run completed successfully. Should resolve any open incidents (if the service supports that functionality) or else simply return.

Parameters:duration (float) – duration of the usage/threshold checking run
on_warning(problems, problem_str, duration=None)[source]

Method called when one or more warning thresholds were crossed, but no criticals and the run did not encounter any errors.

  • problems (dict or None) – dict of service name to nested dict of limit name to limit, same format as the return value of check_thresholds().
  • problem_str (str or None) – String representation of problems, as displayed in awslimitchecker command line output.
  • duration (float) – duration of the run
static providers_by_name()[source]

Return a dict of available AlertProvider subclass names to the class objects.

Returns:AlertProvider class names to classes
Return type:dict