Source code for


The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2015-2018 Jason Antman <>

    This file is part of awslimitchecker, also known as awslimitchecker.

    awslimitchecker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    awslimitchecker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with awslimitchecker.  If not, see <>.

The Copyright and Authors attributions contained herein may not be removed or
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While not legally required, I sincerely request that anyone who finds
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either as a pull request on GitHub, or to me via email.

Jason Antman <> <>

import abc  # noqa
import logging
from collections import Counter

from .base import _AwsService
from ..limit import AwsLimit
from ..utils import paginate_dict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class _CloudfrontService(_AwsService): service_name = "CloudFront" api_name = "cloudfront" # AWS API name to connect to (boto3.client) quotas_service_code = "cloudfront"
[docs] def find_usage(self): """ Determine the current usage for each limit of this service, and update corresponding Limit via :py:meth:`~.AwsLimit._add_current_usage`. """ logger.debug("Checking usage for service %s", self.service_name) self.connect() for lim in self.limits.values(): lim._reset_usage() self._find_usage_distributions() self._find_usage_keygroups() self._find_usage_origin_access_identities() self._find_usage_cache_policies() self._find_usage_origin_request_policies() self._have_usage = True logger.debug("Done checking usage.")
[docs] def _find_usage_distributions(self): """ List CloudFront distributions by calling AWS list_distributions, and update usage in self.limits for the following limits: Per-distribution: - Alternate domain names (CNAMEs) per distribution - Cache behaviors per distribution - Origins per distribution - Origin groups per distribution - Key groups associated with a single distribution Per cache behavior: - Key groups associated with a single cache behavior - Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior - Whitelisted headers per cache behavior - Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior Global: - Distributions associated with a single key group - Distributions associated with a single cache policy - Distributions associated with a single origin request policy - Distributions per AWS account """ # Read distribution list from AWS res = paginate_dict( self.conn.list_distributions, alc_marker_path=['DistributionList', 'NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['DistributionList', 'Items'], alc_marker_param='Marker' ) if 'Items' not in res['DistributionList']: nb_distributions = 0 else: distributions = res['DistributionList']['Items'] nb_distributions = len(distributions) # number of times a keygroup is referenced, in all distributions keygroup_references = Counter() cache_policy_references = Counter() origin_request_policy_references = Counter() for d in distributions: # Count alternate domain names nb_aliases = 0 if ('Aliases' in d) and ('Items' in d['Aliases']): nb_aliases = len(d['Aliases']['Items']) self.limits[ 'Alternate domain names (CNAMEs) per distribution' ]._add_current_usage( nb_aliases, resource_id=d['Id'], aws_type='AWS::CloudFront::Distribution', ) # Count cache behaviors # Note: the AWS documentation does not specify this, but # the quota includes the default cache behavior. nb_cache_behaviors = 1 # 1 for default cache behavior if ('CacheBehaviors' in d) and ('Items' in d['CacheBehaviors']): nb_cache_behaviors += len(d['CacheBehaviors']['Items']) self.limits[ 'Cache behaviors per distribution' ]._add_current_usage( nb_cache_behaviors, resource_id=d['Id'], aws_type='AWS::CloudFront::Distribution', ) # Count origins nb_origins = 0 if ('Origins' in d) and ('Items' in d['Origins']): nb_origins = len(d['Origins']['Items']) self.limits[ 'Origins per distribution' ]._add_current_usage( nb_origins, resource_id=d['Id'], aws_type='AWS::CloudFront::Distribution', ) # Count origin groups nb_origin_groups = 0 if ('OriginGroups' in d) and ('Items' in d['OriginGroups']): nb_origin_groups = len(d['OriginGroups']['Items']) self.limits[ 'Origin groups per distribution' ]._add_current_usage( nb_origin_groups, resource_id=d['Id'], aws_type='AWS::CloudFront::Distribution', ) # Count: # - keygroups in cache behaviors # - whitelisted cookies in cache behaviors # - whitelisted headers in cache behaviors # - whitelisted query strings in cache behaviors keygroups = set() cache_policies = set() origin_request_policies = set() # Iterate over additional cache behaviors if ('CacheBehaviors' in d) and ('Items' in d['CacheBehaviors']): for cb in d['CacheBehaviors']['Items']: res_id = "{}-cache-behavior-{}".format( d['Id'], cb['PathPattern']) # Count key groups nb_keygroups = 0 if ('TrustedKeyGroups' in cb) and ( 'Items' in cb['TrustedKeyGroups']): # counting the KG even if not Enabled keygroups.update(cb['TrustedKeyGroups']['Items']) nb_keygroups = len(cb['TrustedKeyGroups']['Items']) self.limits[ 'Key groups associated with a single cache behavior' ]._add_current_usage(nb_keygroups, resource_id=res_id) # Count whitelisted cookies nb_cookies = 0 try: nb_cookies = len(cb['ForwardedValues']['Cookies'][ 'WhitelistedNames']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior' ]._add_current_usage(nb_cookies, resource_id=res_id) # Count whitelisted headers nb_headers = 0 try: nb_headers = len( cb['ForwardedValues']['Headers']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Whitelisted headers per cache behavior' ]._add_current_usage(nb_headers, resource_id=res_id) # Count whitelisted query strings nb_querystring = 0 try: nb_querystring = len(cb['ForwardedValues'][ 'QueryStringCacheKeys']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior' ]._add_current_usage(nb_querystring, resource_id=res_id) if 'CachePolicyId' in cb: cache_policies.add(cb['CachePolicyId']) if 'OriginRequestPolicyId' in cb: origin_request_policies.add( cb['OriginRequestPolicyId']) # Default cache behavior if 'DefaultCacheBehavior' in d: cb = d['DefaultCacheBehavior'] res_id = "{}-default-cache-behavior".format(d['Id']) nb_keygroups = 0 if ('TrustedKeyGroups' in cb) and ( 'Items' in cb['TrustedKeyGroups']): # counting the KG even if not Enabled keygroups.update(cb['TrustedKeyGroups']['Items']) nb_keygroups = len(cb['TrustedKeyGroups']['Items']) self.limits[ 'Key groups associated with a single cache behavior' ]._add_current_usage(nb_keygroups, resource_id=res_id) # Count whitelisted cookies nb_cookies = 0 try: nb_cookies = len(cb['ForwardedValues']['Cookies'][ 'WhitelistedNames']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior' ]._add_current_usage(nb_cookies, resource_id=res_id) # Count whitelisted headers nb_headers = 0 try: nb_headers = len( cb['ForwardedValues']['Headers']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Whitelisted headers per cache behavior' ]._add_current_usage(nb_headers, resource_id=res_id) # Count whitelisted query strings nb_querystring = 0 try: nb_querystring = len(cb['ForwardedValues'][ 'QueryStringCacheKeys']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior' ]._add_current_usage(nb_querystring, resource_id=res_id) if 'CachePolicyId' in cb: cache_policies.add(cb['CachePolicyId']) if 'OriginRequestPolicyId' in cb: origin_request_policies.add( cb['OriginRequestPolicyId']) self.limits[ 'Key groups associated with a single distribution' ]._add_current_usage( len(keygroups), resource_id=d['Id'], aws_type='AWS::CloudFront::Distribution', ) keygroup_references.update(keygroups) cache_policy_references.update(cache_policies) origin_request_policy_references.update(origin_request_policies) for k, count in keygroup_references.items(): self.limits[ 'Distributions associated with a single key group' ]._add_current_usage(count, resource_id=k) for k, count in cache_policy_references.items(): self.limits[ 'Distributions associated with the same cache policy' ]._add_current_usage(count, resource_id=k) for k, count in origin_request_policy_references.items(): self.limits[ 'Distributions associated with the same origin request ' 'policy' ]._add_current_usage(count, resource_id=k) self.limits['Distributions per AWS account']._add_current_usage( nb_distributions, aws_type='AWS::CloudFront::Distribution', )
[docs] def _find_usage_keygroups(self): """ List CloudFront key groups from AWS, and update usage in self.limits for the following limits: - Key groups per AWS account - Public keys in a single key group """ # Read keygroup list from AWS res = paginate_dict( self.conn.list_key_groups, alc_marker_path=['KeyGroupList', 'NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['KeyGroupList', 'Items'], alc_marker_param='Marker' ) nb_keygroups = 0 try: keygroups = res['KeyGroupList']['Items'] nb_keygroups = len(keygroups) except KeyError: pass self.limits['Key groups per AWS account']._add_current_usage( nb_keygroups, aws_type='AWS::CloudFront::KeyGroup', ) if 'Items' in res['KeyGroupList']: for kg in res['KeyGroupList']['Items']: nb_keys = 0 try: nb_keys = len(kg['KeyGroup']['KeyGroupConfig']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Public keys in a single key group' ]._add_current_usage(nb_keys, resource_id=kg['KeyGroup']['Id'])
[docs] def _find_usage_origin_access_identities(self): """ List CloudFront origin access identities from AWS, and update usage in self.limits for the limit "Origin access identities per account". """ # Read usage from AWS res = paginate_dict( self.conn.list_cloud_front_origin_access_identities, alc_marker_path=['CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityList', 'NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityList', 'Items'], alc_marker_param='Marker' ) if 'Items' not in res['CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityList']: nb_origin_access_identities = 0 else: origin_access_identities = res['CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityList' ]['Items'] nb_origin_access_identities = len(origin_access_identities) self.limits["Origin access identities per account"]._add_current_usage( nb_origin_access_identities, aws_type='AWS::CloudFront::KeyGroup', )
[docs] def _find_usage_cache_policies(self): """ List CloudFront cache policies from AWS, and update usage in self.limits for the following limits: - Cache policies per AWS account - Cookies per cache policy - Headers per cache policy - Query strings per cache policy """ # Read usage from AWS res = paginate_dict( # count only the custom cache policies, not the managed ones self.conn.list_cache_policies, Type='custom', alc_marker_path=['CachePolicyList', 'NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['CachePolicyList', 'Items'], alc_marker_param='Marker' ) if 'Items' not in res['CachePolicyList']: nb_resources = 0 else: cache_policies = res['CachePolicyList' ]['Items'] nb_resources = len(cache_policies) self.limits["Cache policies per AWS account"]._add_current_usage( nb_resources, aws_type='AWS::CloudFront::CachePolicy', ) if 'Items' in res['CachePolicyList']: for cp in res['CachePolicyList']['Items']: # Count whitelisted cookies nb_cookies = 0 try: nb_cookies = len(cp['CachePolicy']['CachePolicyConfig'][ 'ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin'][ 'CookiesConfig']['Cookies']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Cookies per cache policy' ]._add_current_usage(nb_cookies, resource_id=cp['CachePolicy']['Id']) # Count whitelisted headers nb_headers = 0 try: nb_headers = len(cp['CachePolicy']['CachePolicyConfig'][ 'ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin'][ 'HeadersConfig']['Headers']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Headers per cache policy' ]._add_current_usage(nb_headers, resource_id=cp['CachePolicy']['Id']) # Count whitelisted query strings nb_querystring = 0 try: nb_querystring = len(cp['CachePolicy']['CachePolicyConfig'][ 'ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin'][ 'QueryStringsConfig']['QueryStrings']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Query strings per cache policy' ]._add_current_usage(nb_querystring, resource_id=cp['CachePolicy']['Id'])
[docs] def _find_usage_origin_request_policies(self): """ List CloudFront origin request policies from AWS, and update usage in self.limits for the following limits: - Origin request policies per AWS account - Cookies per origin request policy - Headers per origin request policy - Query strings per origin request policy """ # Read usage from AWS res = paginate_dict( # count only the custom origin request policies self.conn.list_origin_request_policies, Type='custom', alc_marker_path=['OriginRequestPolicyList', 'NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['OriginRequestPolicyList', 'Items'], alc_marker_param='Marker' ) if 'Items' not in res['OriginRequestPolicyList']: nb_resources = 0 else: origin_request_policies = res['OriginRequestPolicyList' ]['Items'] nb_resources = len(origin_request_policies) self.limits["Origin request policies per AWS account" ]._add_current_usage( nb_resources, aws_type='AWS::CloudFront::OriginRequestPolicy', ) if 'Items' in res['OriginRequestPolicyList']: for cp in res['OriginRequestPolicyList']['Items']: # Count cookies nb_cookies = 0 try: nb_cookies = len( cp['OriginRequestPolicy']['OriginRequestPolicyConfig'][ 'CookiesConfig']['Cookies']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Cookies per origin request policy' ]._add_current_usage( nb_cookies, resource_id=cp['OriginRequestPolicy']['Id']) # Count headers nb_headers = 0 try: nb_headers = len( cp['OriginRequestPolicy']['OriginRequestPolicyConfig'][ 'HeadersConfig']['Headers']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Headers per origin request policy' ]._add_current_usage( nb_headers, resource_id=cp['OriginRequestPolicy']['Id']) # Count query strings nb_querystring = 0 try: nb_querystring = len( cp['OriginRequestPolicy']['OriginRequestPolicyConfig'][ 'QueryStringsConfig']['QueryStrings']['Items']) except KeyError: pass self.limits[ 'Query strings per origin request policy' ]._add_current_usage( nb_querystring, resource_id=cp['OriginRequestPolicy']['Id'])
[docs] def get_limits(self): """ Return all known limits for this service, as a dict of their names to :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` objects. :returns: dict of limit names to :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` objects :rtype: dict """ if self.limits != {}: return self.limits limits = {} limits["Distributions per AWS account"] = AwsLimit( "Distributions per AWS account", self, 200, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type="AWS::CloudFront::Distribution", quotas_name="Web distributions per AWS account", ) limits["Alternate domain names (CNAMEs) per distribution"] = AwsLimit( "Alternate domain names (CNAMEs) per distribution", self, 100, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type="AWS::CloudFront::Distribution", quotas_name="Alternate domain names (CNAMEs) per distribution", ) limits["Cache behaviors per distribution"] = AwsLimit( "Cache behaviors per distribution", self, 25, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type="AWS::CloudFront::Distribution", quotas_name="Cache behaviors per distribution", ) limits["Origins per distribution"] = AwsLimit( "Origins per distribution", self, 25, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type="AWS::CloudFront::Distribution", quotas_name="Origins per distribution", ) limits["Origin groups per distribution"] = AwsLimit( "Origin groups per distribution", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type="AWS::CloudFront::Distribution", quotas_name="Origin groups per distribution", ) # This limit is listed by the "Service Quotas" service, but not in the # CloudFront documentation. limits["Key groups associated with a single distribution"] = AwsLimit( "Key groups associated with a single distribution", self, 4, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type="AWS::CloudFront::Distribution", quotas_name="Key groups associated with a single distribution", ) # This limit is listed in the CloudFront documentation, but not in the # "Service Quotas" service. limits["Key groups associated with a single cache behavior"] = AwsLimit( "Key groups associated with a single cache behavior", self, 4, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type="AWS::CloudFront::Distribution", ) limits["Key groups per AWS account"] = AwsLimit( "Key groups per AWS account", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type="AWS::CloudFront::KeyGroup", quotas_name="Key groups per AWS account" ) limits["Origin access identities per account"] = AwsLimit( "Origin access identities per account", self, 100, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Origin access identities per account" ) limits["Cache policies per AWS account"] = AwsLimit( "Cache policies per AWS account", self, 20, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Cache policies per AWS account" ) limits["Origin request policies per AWS account"] = AwsLimit( "Origin request policies per AWS account", self, 20, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Origin request policies per AWS account" ) limits["Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior"] = AwsLimit( "Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior" ) limits["Whitelisted headers per cache behavior"] = AwsLimit( "Whitelisted headers per cache behavior", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Whitelisted headers per cache behavior" ) limits["Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior"] = AwsLimit( "Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior" ) limits["Cookies per cache policy"] = AwsLimit( "Cookies per cache policy", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Cookies per cache policy" ) limits["Headers per cache policy"] = AwsLimit( "Headers per cache policy", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Headers per cache policy" ) limits["Query strings per cache policy"] = AwsLimit( "Query strings per cache policy", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Query strings per cache policy" ) limits["Cookies per origin request policy"] = AwsLimit( "Cookies per origin request policy", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Cookies per origin request policy" ) limits["Headers per origin request policy"] = AwsLimit( "Headers per origin request policy", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Headers per origin request policy" ) limits["Query strings per origin request policy"] = AwsLimit( "Query strings per origin request policy", self, 10, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Query strings per origin request policy" ) limits["Public keys in a single key group"] = AwsLimit( "Public keys in a single key group", self, 5, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Public keys in a single key group" ) limits["Distributions associated with a single key group"] = AwsLimit( "Distributions associated with a single key group", self, 100, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Distributions associated with a single key group" ) limits["Distributions associated with the same cache policy"] = \ AwsLimit( "Distributions associated with the same cache policy", self, 100, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Distributions associated with the same cache policy" ) limits["Distributions associated with the same origin request policy"] \ = AwsLimit( "Distributions associated with the same origin request policy", self, 100, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, quotas_name="Distributions associated with the same origin request " "policy" ) self.limits = limits return limits
[docs] def required_iam_permissions(self): """ Return a list of IAM Actions required for this Service to function properly. All Actions will be shown with an Effect of "Allow" and a Resource of "*". :returns: list of IAM Action strings :rtype: list """ return [ "cloudfront:ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities", "cloudfront:ListKeyGroups", "cloudfront:ListDistributions", "cloudfront:ListCachePolicies", "cloudfront:ListOriginRequestPolicies" ]