Source code for


The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2015-2018 Jason Antman <>

    This file is part of awslimitchecker, also known as awslimitchecker.

    awslimitchecker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    awslimitchecker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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The Copyright and Authors attributions contained herein may not be removed or
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Jason Antman <> <>

import abc  # noqa
import os
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy

import botocore

from .base import _AwsService
from ..limit import AwsLimit

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class _Ec2Service(_AwsService): service_name = 'EC2' api_name = 'ec2' quotas_service_code = 'ec2' #: Mapping of lower-case instance family character (instance type first #: character) to limit name for that family. instance_family_to_limit_name = { 'f': 'Running On-Demand All F instances', 'g': 'Running On-Demand All G instances', 'p': 'Running On-Demand All P instances', 'x': 'Running On-Demand All X instances' } #: Mapping of lower-case instance family character to Service Quotas #: quota name for that family. instance_family_to_quota_name = { 'f': 'Running On-Demand F instances', 'g': 'Running On-Demand G instances', 'p': 'Running On-Demand P instances', 'x': 'Running On-Demand X instances' } #: Name of default limit for all other (standard) instance families. default_limit_name = 'Running On-Demand All Standard ' \ '(A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) instances' #: Name of default Service Quota for all other (standard) families. default_quota_name = 'Running On-Demand Standard ' \ '(A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) instances' #: List of instance types that aren't exposed via Service Quotas no_quotas_types = [ 'c5d.12xlarge', 'c5d.24xlarge', 'c5d.metal', 'cc1.4xlarge', 'cg1.4xlarge', 'cr1.8xlarge', 'g4dn.metal', 'hi1.4xlarge', 'hs1.8xlarge', 'm5dn.metal', 'm5n.metal', 'r5dn.metal', 'r5n.metal', 'u-18tb1.metal', 'u-24tb1.metal' ]
[docs] def find_usage(self): """ Determine the current usage for each limit of this service, and update corresponding Limit via :py:meth:`~.AwsLimit._add_current_usage`. """ logger.debug("Checking usage for service %s", self.service_name) self.connect() self.connect_resource() for lim in self.limits.values(): lim._reset_usage() if self._use_vcpu_limits: self._find_usage_instances_vcpu() else: self._find_usage_instances_nonvcpu() self._find_usage_networking_sgs() self._find_usage_networking_eips() self._find_usage_networking_eni_sg() self._find_usage_spot_instances() self._find_usage_spot_fleets() self._have_usage = True logger.debug("Done checking usage.")
[docs] def _find_usage_instances_nonvcpu(self): """calculate On-Demand instance usage for all types and update Limits""" # update our limits with usage inst_usage = self._instance_usage() res_usage = self._get_reserved_instance_count() logger.debug('Reserved instance count: %s', res_usage) total_ris = 0 running_ris = 0 # subtract reservations from instance usage ondemand_usage = defaultdict(int) for az in inst_usage: if az not in res_usage: for i_type, count in inst_usage[az].items(): ondemand_usage[i_type] += count continue # else we have reservations for this AZ for i_type, count in inst_usage[az].items(): if i_type not in res_usage[az]: # no reservations for this type ondemand_usage[i_type] += count continue od = count - res_usage[az][i_type] total_ris += res_usage[az][i_type] if count < res_usage[az][i_type]: running_ris += count else: running_ris += res_usage[az][i_type] if od < 0: # we have unused reservations continue ondemand_usage[i_type] += od logger.debug( 'Found %d total RIs and %d running/used RIs', total_ris, running_ris ) total_instances = 0 for i_type, usage in ondemand_usage.items(): key = 'Running On-Demand {t} instances'.format( t=i_type) self.limits[key]._add_current_usage( usage, aws_type='AWS::EC2::Instance', ) total_instances += usage # limit for ALL On-Demand EC2 instances key = 'Running On-Demand EC2 instances' self.limits[key]._add_current_usage( total_instances, aws_type='AWS::EC2::Instance' )
[docs] def _find_usage_instances_vcpu(self): res_usage = self._get_reserved_instance_count() logger.debug('Reserved instance count: %s', res_usage) usage = self._instance_usage_vcpu(res_usage) limit_values = defaultdict(int) for i_family, count in usage.items(): limname = self.instance_family_to_limit_name.get( i_family, self.default_limit_name ) limit_values[limname] += count for lname in list( self.instance_family_to_limit_name.values() ) + [self.default_limit_name]: if lname not in limit_values: limit_values[lname] = 0 for limname, count in limit_values.items(): self.limits[limname]._add_current_usage( count, aws_type='AWS::EC2::Instance', )
[docs] def _find_usage_spot_instances(self): """calculate spot instance request usage and update Limits""" logger.debug('Getting spot instance request usage') try: res = self.conn.describe_spot_instance_requests() except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'UnsupportedOperation': return raise count = 0 for req in res['SpotInstanceRequests']: if req['State'] in ['open', 'active']: count += 1 logger.debug('Counting spot instance request %s state=%s', req['SpotInstanceRequestId'], req['State']) else: logger.debug('NOT counting spot instance request %s state=%s', req['SpotInstanceRequestId'], req['State']) self.limits['Max spot instance requests per region']._add_current_usage( count, aws_type='AWS::EC2::SpotInstanceRequest' )
[docs] def _find_usage_spot_fleets(self): """calculate spot fleet request usage and update Limits""" logger.debug('Getting spot fleet request usage') try: res = self.conn.describe_spot_fleet_requests() except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'UnsupportedOperation': return raise if 'NextToken' in res: logger.error('Error: describe_spot_fleet_requests() response ' 'includes pagination token, but pagination not ' 'configured in awslimitchecker.') active_fleets = 0 total_target_cap = 0 lim_cap_per_fleet = self.limits['Max target capacity per spot fleet'] lim_launch_specs = self.limits[ 'Max launch specifications per spot fleet'] for fleet in res['SpotFleetRequestConfigs']: _id = fleet['SpotFleetRequestId'] if fleet['SpotFleetRequestState'] != 'active': logger.debug('Skipping spot fleet request %s in state %s', _id, fleet['SpotFleetRequestState']) continue active_fleets += 1 cap = fleet['SpotFleetRequestConfig']['TargetCapacity'] launch_specs = len( fleet['SpotFleetRequestConfig']['LaunchSpecifications']) total_target_cap += cap lim_cap_per_fleet._add_current_usage( cap, resource_id=_id, aws_type='AWS::EC2::SpotFleetRequest') lim_launch_specs._add_current_usage( launch_specs, resource_id=_id, aws_type='AWS::EC2::SpotFleetRequest') self.limits['Max active spot fleets per region']._add_current_usage( active_fleets, aws_type='AWS::EC2::SpotFleetRequest' ) self.limits['Max target capacity for all spot ' 'fleets in region']._add_current_usage( total_target_cap, aws_type='AWS::EC2::SpotFleetRequest' )
[docs] def _get_reserved_instance_count(self): """ For each availability zone, get the count of current instance reservations of each instance type. Return as a nested dict of AZ name to dict of instance type to reservation count. :rtype: dict """ reservations = defaultdict(int) az_to_res = {} logger.debug("Getting reserved instance information") res = self.conn.describe_reserved_instances() for x in res['ReservedInstances']: if x['State'] != 'active': logger.debug("Skipping ReservedInstance %s with state %s", x['ReservedInstancesId'], x['State']) continue if 'AvailabilityZone' not in x: # "Regional Benefit" AZ-less reservation x['AvailabilityZone'] = RI_NO_AZ if x['AvailabilityZone'] not in az_to_res: az_to_res[x['AvailabilityZone']] = deepcopy(reservations) az_to_res[x['AvailabilityZone']][ x['InstanceType']] += x['InstanceCount'] # flatten and return for x in az_to_res: az_to_res[x] = dict(az_to_res[x]) return az_to_res
[docs] def _instance_usage(self): """ Find counts of currently-running EC2 Instances (On-Demand or Reserved) by placement (Availability Zone) and instance type (size). Return as a nested dict of AZ name to dict of instance type to count. :rtype: dict """ # On-Demand instances by type ondemand = {} for t in self._instance_types(): ondemand[t] = 0 az_to_inst = {} logger.debug("Getting usage for on-demand instances") for inst in self.resource_conn.instances.all(): if inst.spot_instance_request_id:"Spot instance found (%s); skipping from " "Running On-Demand Instances count", continue if inst.state['Name'] in ['stopped', 'terminated']: logger.debug("Ignoring instance %s in state %s",, inst.state['Name']) continue if inst.placement['AvailabilityZone'] not in az_to_inst: az_to_inst[ inst.placement['AvailabilityZone']] = deepcopy(ondemand) try: az_to_inst[ inst.placement['AvailabilityZone']][inst.instance_type] += 1 except KeyError: logger.error("ERROR - unknown instance type '%s'; not " "counting", inst.instance_type) return az_to_inst
[docs] def _instance_usage_vcpu(self, ris): """ Find counts of currently-running EC2 Instance vCPUs (On-Demand or Reserved) by instance family. Return as a dict of instance family letter to count. :param ris: nested dict of reserved instances, as returned by :py:meth:`~._get_reserved_instance_count` :type ris: dict :rtype: dict """ inst_counts = defaultdict(int) logger.debug("Getting usage for on-demand instances (vCPU limit)") for inst in self.resource_conn.instances.all(): if inst.spot_instance_request_id:"Spot instance found (%s); skipping from " "Running On-Demand Instances count", continue if inst.state['Name'] in ['stopped', 'terminated']: logger.debug("Ignoring instance %s in state %s",, inst.state['Name']) continue az = inst.placement['AvailabilityZone'] itype = inst.instance_type if ris.get(az, {}).get(itype, 0) > 0: logger.debug( 'Using RI for %s: %s in %s',, itype, az ) ris[az][itype] -= 1 continue inst_counts[inst.instance_type[0]] += ( inst.cpu_options['CoreCount'] * inst.cpu_options[ 'ThreadsPerCore' ] ) return inst_counts
@property def _use_vcpu_limits(self): """ Return whether or not to use the new vCPU-based limits. :return: whether to use vCPU-based limits (True) or older per-instance-type limits (False) :rtype: bool """ if 'USE_VCPU_LIMITS' in os.environ: if os.environ['USE_VCPU_LIMITS'] == 'true': logger.debug( 'Using vCPU-based EC2 limits due to USE_VCPU_LIMITS=true ' 'in environment.' ) return True logger.debug( 'Using vCPU-based EC2 limits due to USE_VCPU_LIMITS in ' 'environment and set to something other than "true".' ) return False oldconn = self.conn self.connect() region_name = self.conn._client_config.region_name self.conn = oldconn if region_name.startswith('cn-') or region_name.startswith('us-gov-'): logger.debug( 'Using non-vCPU EC2 limits due to region name: %s', region_name ) return False return True
[docs] def get_limits(self): """ Return all known limits for this service, as a dict of their names to :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` objects. :returns: dict of limit names to :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` objects :rtype: dict """ if self.limits != {}: return self.limits limits = {} if self._use_vcpu_limits: limits.update(self._get_limits_instances_vcpu()) else: limits.update(self._get_limits_instances_nonvcpu()) limits.update(self._get_limits_networking()) limits.update(self._get_limits_spot()) self.limits = limits return self.limits
[docs] def _update_limits_from_api(self): """ Query EC2's DescribeAccountAttributes API action, and update limits with the quotas returned. Updates ``self.limits``. """ self.connect() self.connect_resource()"Querying EC2 DescribeAccountAttributes for limits") # no need to paginate attribs = self.conn.describe_account_attributes() for attrib in attribs['AccountAttributes']: aname = attrib['AttributeName'] val = attrib['AttributeValues'][0]['AttributeValue'] lname = None if aname == 'max-elastic-ips': lname = 'Elastic IP addresses (EIPs)' elif aname == 'max-instances': lname = 'Running On-Demand EC2 instances' elif aname == 'vpc-max-elastic-ips': lname = 'VPC Elastic IP addresses (EIPs)' elif aname == 'vpc-max-security-groups-per-interface': lname = 'VPC security groups per elastic network interface' if lname in self.limits: if int(val) == 0: continue self.limits[lname]._set_api_limit(int(val)) logger.debug("Done setting limits from API")
[docs] def _get_limits_instances_nonvcpu(self): """ Return a dict of limits for EC2 instances only, for regions using non-vCPU-based (old-style) On Demand Instances limits. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`. :rtype: dict """ # from: # (On-Demand, Reserved, Spot) default_limits = (20, 20, 5) special_limits = { 'c4.4xlarge': (10, 20, 5), 'c4.8xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'c5.4xlarge': (10, 20, 5), 'c5.9xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'c5.18xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'cg1.4xlarge': (2, 20, 5), 'cr1.8xlarge': (2, 20, 5), 'd2.4xlarge': (10, 20, 5), 'd2.8xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'g2.2xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'g2.8xlarge': (2, 20, 5), 'g3.4xlarge': (1, 20, 5), 'g3.8xlarge': (1, 20, 5), 'g3.16xlarge': (1, 20, 5), 'h1.8xlarge': (10, 20, 5), 'h1.16xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'hi1.4xlarge': (2, 20, 5), 'hs1.8xlarge': (2, 20, 0), 'i2.2xlarge': (8, 20, 0), 'i2.4xlarge': (4, 20, 0), 'i2.8xlarge': (2, 20, 0), 'i2.xlarge': (8, 20, 0), 'i3.2xlarge': (2, 20, 0), 'i3.4xlarge': (2, 20, 0), 'i3.8xlarge': (2, 20, 0), 'i3.16xlarge': (2, 20, 0), 'i3.large': (2, 20, 0), 'i3.xlarge': (2, 20, 0), 'm4.4xlarge': (10, 20, 5), 'm4.10xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'm4.16xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'm5.4xlarge': (10, 20, 5), 'm5.12xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'm5.24xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'p2.8xlarge': (1, 20, 5), 'p2.16xlarge': (1, 20, 5), 'p2.xlarge': (1, 20, 5), 'p3.2xlarge': (1, 20, 5), 'p3.8xlarge': (1, 20, 5), 'p3.16xlarge': (1, 20, 5), 'p3dn.24xlarge': (1, 20, 5), 'r3.4xlarge': (10, 20, 5), 'r3.8xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'r4.4xlarge': (10, 20, 5), 'r4.8xlarge': (5, 20, 5), 'r4.16xlarge': (1, 20, 5), } limits = {} for i_type in self._instance_types(): key = 'Running On-Demand {t} instances'.format( t=i_type) lim = default_limits[0] if i_type in special_limits: lim = special_limits[i_type][0] quotas_name = 'Running On-Demand %s instances' % i_type if i_type in self.no_quotas_types: quotas_name = None limits[key] = AwsLimit( key, self, lim, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='On-Demand instances', limit_subtype=i_type, ta_limit_name='On-Demand instances - %s' % i_type, quotas_name=quotas_name ) # limit for ALL running On-Demand instances key = 'Running On-Demand EC2 instances' limits[key] = AwsLimit( key, self, default_limits[0], self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='On-Demand instances', quotas_name='Total running On-Demand instances' ) return limits
[docs] def _get_limits_instances_vcpu(self): """ Return a dict of limits for EC2 instances only, for regions using vCPU-based (new-style) On Demand Instances limits. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`. :rtype: dict """ limits = {} iftln = self.instance_family_to_limit_name for key in iftln.keys(): limits[iftln[key]] = AwsLimit( iftln[key], self, 128, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='On-Demand instances', limit_subtype=key.upper(), quotas_name=self.instance_family_to_quota_name[key] ) limits[self.default_limit_name] = AwsLimit( self.default_limit_name, self, 1152, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='On-Demand instances', limit_subtype='Standard', quotas_name=self.default_quota_name ) return limits
[docs] def _get_limits_spot(self): """ Return a dict of limits for spot requests only. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`. :rtype: dict """ limits = {} limits['Max spot instance requests per region'] = AwsLimit( 'Max spot instance requests per region', self, 20, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='Spot instance requests' ) limits['Max active spot fleets per region'] = AwsLimit( 'Max active spot fleets per region', self, 1000, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, ) limits['Max launch specifications per spot fleet'] = AwsLimit( 'Max launch specifications per spot fleet', self, 50, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, ) limits['Max target capacity per spot fleet'] = AwsLimit( 'Max target capacity per spot fleet', self, 3000, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold ) limits['Max target capacity for all spot fleets in region'] = AwsLimit( 'Max target capacity for all spot fleets in region', self, 5000, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold ) return limits
[docs] def _find_usage_networking_sgs(self): """calculate usage for VPC-related things""" logger.debug("Getting usage for EC2 VPC resources") sgs_per_vpc = defaultdict(int) rules_per_sg = defaultdict(int) for sg in self.resource_conn.security_groups.all(): if sg.vpc_id is None: continue sgs_per_vpc[sg.vpc_id] += 1 """ see: The value for each of ingress and egress is the count of all PrefixListIds in all rules, plus the count of all UserIdGroupPairs in all rules, plus the maximum of: the count of all IpRanges in all rules -or- the count of all Ipv6Ranges in all rules The limit that we alert on is the maximum of those values for ingress and egress. In short, behind the scenes, there are four firewall rulesets per SG: (IPv4|IPv6) (ingress|egress) Each can have a maximum of <limit> entries. PrefixListIds and UserIdGroupPairs count towards both IPv4 and IPv6. """ counts = [] for perm in [sg.ip_permissions, sg.ip_permissions_egress]: counts.append( max( sum([len(x.get('IpRanges', [])) for x in perm]), sum([len(x.get('Ipv6Ranges', [])) for x in perm]) ) + sum([len(x.get('PrefixListIds', [])) for x in perm]) + sum([len(x.get('UserIdGroupPairs', [])) for x in perm]) ) rules_per_sg[] = max(counts) # set usage for vpc_id, count in sgs_per_vpc.items(): self.limits['Security groups per VPC']._add_current_usage( count, aws_type='AWS::EC2::VPC', resource_id=vpc_id, ) for sg_id, count in rules_per_sg.items(): self.limits['Rules per VPC security group']._add_current_usage( count, aws_type='AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupRule', resource_id=sg_id, )
[docs] def _find_usage_networking_eips(self): logger.debug("Getting usage for EC2 EIPs") vpc_addrs = self.resource_conn.vpc_addresses.all() self.limits['VPC Elastic IP addresses (EIPs)']._add_current_usage( sum(1 for a in vpc_addrs if a.domain == 'vpc'), aws_type='AWS::EC2::EIP', ) # the EC2 limits screen calls this 'EC2-Classic Elastic IPs' # but Trusted Advisor just calls it 'Elastic IP addresses (EIPs)' classic_addrs = self.resource_conn.classic_addresses.all() self.limits['Elastic IP addresses (EIPs)']._add_current_usage( sum(1 for a in classic_addrs if a.domain == 'standard'), aws_type='AWS::EC2::EIP', )
[docs] def _find_usage_networking_eni_sg(self): logger.debug("Getting usage for EC2 Network Interfaces") ints = self.resource_conn.network_interfaces.all() for iface in ints: if iface.vpc is None: continue self.limits['VPC security groups per elastic network ' 'interface']._add_current_usage( len(iface.groups), aws_type='AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface',, )
[docs] def _get_limits_networking(self): """ Return a dict of VPC-related limits only. This method should only be used internally by :py:meth:~.get_limits`. :rtype: dict """ limits = {} limits['Security groups per VPC'] = AwsLimit( 'Security groups per VPC', self, 500, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup', limit_subtype='AWS::EC2::VPC', ) limits['Rules per VPC security group'] = AwsLimit( 'Rules per VPC security group', self, 50, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup', limit_subtype='AWS::EC2::VPC', ) limits['VPC Elastic IP addresses (EIPs)'] = AwsLimit( 'VPC Elastic IP addresses (EIPs)', self, 5, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::EC2::EIP', limit_subtype='AWS::EC2::VPC', ta_service_name='VPC', # TA shows this as VPC not EC2 quotas_name='Number of EIPs - VPC EIPs' ) # the EC2 limits screen calls this 'EC2-Classic Elastic IPs' # but Trusted Advisor just calls it 'Elastic IP addresses (EIPs)' limits['Elastic IP addresses (EIPs)'] = AwsLimit( 'Elastic IP addresses (EIPs)', self, 5, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::EC2::EIP', quotas_name='Elastic IP addresses for EC2-Classic' ) limits['VPC security groups per elastic network interface'] = AwsLimit( 'VPC security groups per elastic network interface', self, 5, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup', limit_subtype='AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface', ) return limits
[docs] def required_iam_permissions(self): """ Return a list of IAM Actions required for this Service to function properly. All Actions will be shown with an Effect of "Allow" and a Resource of "*". :returns: list of IAM Action strings :rtype: list """ return [ "ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes", "ec2:DescribeAddresses", "ec2:DescribeInstances", "ec2:DescribeInternetGateways", "ec2:DescribeNetworkAcls", "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces", "ec2:DescribeReservedInstances", "ec2:DescribeRouteTables", "ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups", "ec2:DescribeSnapshots", "ec2:DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription", "ec2:DescribeSpotFleetInstances", "ec2:DescribeSpotFleetRequestHistory", "ec2:DescribeSpotFleetRequests", "ec2:DescribeSpotInstanceRequests", "ec2:DescribeSpotPriceHistory", "ec2:DescribeSubnets", "ec2:DescribeVolumes", "ec2:DescribeVpcs", ]
[docs] def _instance_types(self): """ Return a list of all known EC2 instance types :returns: list of all valid known EC2 instance types :rtype: list """ GENERAL_TYPES = [ 'a1.2xlarge', 'a1.4xlarge', 'a1.large', 'a1.medium', 'a1.metal', 'a1.xlarge', 'm3.2xlarge', 'm3.large', 'm3.medium', 'm3.xlarge', 'm4.2xlarge', 'm4.4xlarge', 'm4.10xlarge', 'm4.16xlarge', 'm4.large', 'm4.xlarge', 'm5.2xlarge', 'm5.4xlarge', 'm5.8xlarge', 'm5.12xlarge', 'm5.16xlarge', 'm5.24xlarge', 'm5.large', 'm5.metal', 'm5.xlarge', 'm5a.2xlarge', 'm5a.4xlarge', 'm5a.8xlarge', 'm5a.12xlarge', 'm5a.16xlarge', 'm5a.24xlarge', 'm5a.large', 'm5a.xlarge', 'm5ad.2xlarge', 'm5ad.4xlarge', 'm5ad.8xlarge', 'm5ad.12xlarge', 'm5ad.16xlarge', 'm5ad.24xlarge', 'm5ad.large', 'm5ad.xlarge', 'm5d.2xlarge', 'm5d.4xlarge', 'm5d.8xlarge', 'm5d.12xlarge', 'm5d.16xlarge', 'm5d.24xlarge', 'm5d.large', 'm5d.metal', 'm5d.xlarge', 'm5dn.2xlarge', 'm5dn.4xlarge', 'm5dn.8xlarge', 'm5dn.12xlarge', 'm5dn.16xlarge', 'm5dn.24xlarge', 'm5dn.large', 'm5dn.metal', 'm5dn.xlarge', 'm5n.2xlarge', 'm5n.4xlarge', 'm5n.8xlarge', 'm5n.12xlarge', 'm5n.16xlarge', 'm5n.24xlarge', 'm5n.large', 'm5n.metal', 'm5n.xlarge', 't2.2xlarge', 't2.large', 't2.medium', 't2.micro', 't2.nano', 't2.small', 't2.xlarge', 't3.2xlarge', 't3.large', 't3.medium', 't3.micro', 't3.nano', 't3.small', 't3.xlarge', 't3a.2xlarge', 't3a.large', 't3a.medium', 't3a.micro', 't3a.nano', 't3a.small', 't3a.xlarge', ] PREV_GENERAL_TYPES = [ 't1.micro', 'm1.small', 'm1.medium', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', ] MEMORY_TYPES = [ 'r3.2xlarge', 'r3.4xlarge', 'r3.8xlarge', 'r3.large', 'r3.xlarge', 'r4.2xlarge', 'r4.4xlarge', 'r4.8xlarge', 'r4.16xlarge', 'r4.large', 'r4.xlarge', 'r5.2xlarge', 'r5.4xlarge', 'r5.8xlarge', 'r5.12xlarge', 'r5.16xlarge', 'r5.24xlarge', 'r5.large', 'r5.metal', 'r5.xlarge', 'r5a.2xlarge', 'r5a.4xlarge', 'r5a.8xlarge', 'r5a.12xlarge', 'r5a.16xlarge', 'r5a.24xlarge', 'r5a.large', 'r5a.xlarge', 'r5ad.2xlarge', 'r5ad.4xlarge', 'r5ad.8xlarge', 'r5ad.12xlarge', 'r5ad.16xlarge', 'r5ad.24xlarge', 'r5ad.large', 'r5ad.xlarge', 'r5d.2xlarge', 'r5d.4xlarge', 'r5d.8xlarge', 'r5d.12xlarge', 'r5d.16xlarge', 'r5d.24xlarge', 'r5d.large', 'r5d.metal', 'r5d.xlarge', 'r5dn.2xlarge', 'r5dn.4xlarge', 'r5dn.8xlarge', 'r5dn.12xlarge', 'r5dn.16xlarge', 'r5dn.24xlarge', 'r5dn.large', 'r5dn.metal', 'r5dn.xlarge', 'r5n.2xlarge', 'r5n.4xlarge', 'r5n.8xlarge', 'r5n.12xlarge', 'r5n.16xlarge', 'r5n.24xlarge', 'r5n.large', 'r5n.metal', 'r5n.xlarge', 'u-18tb1.metal', 'u-24tb1.metal', 'x1.16xlarge', 'x1.32xlarge', 'x1e.2xlarge', 'x1e.4xlarge', 'x1e.8xlarge', 'x1e.16xlarge', 'x1e.32xlarge', 'x1e.xlarge', 'z1d.2xlarge', 'z1d.3xlarge', 'z1d.6xlarge', 'z1d.12xlarge', 'z1d.large', 'z1d.xlarge', ] PREV_MEMORY_TYPES = [ 'm2.xlarge', 'm2.2xlarge', 'm2.4xlarge', 'cr1.8xlarge', ] COMPUTE_TYPES = [ 'c3.2xlarge', 'c3.4xlarge', 'c3.8xlarge', 'c3.large', 'c3.xlarge', 'c4.2xlarge', 'c4.4xlarge', 'c4.8xlarge', 'c4.large', 'c4.xlarge', 'c5.2xlarge', 'c5.4xlarge', 'c5.9xlarge', 'c5.12xlarge', 'c5.18xlarge', 'c5.24xlarge', 'c5.large', 'c5.metal', 'c5.xlarge', 'c5d.2xlarge', 'c5d.4xlarge', 'c5d.9xlarge', 'c5d.12xlarge', 'c5d.18xlarge', 'c5d.24xlarge', 'c5d.large', 'c5d.metal', 'c5d.xlarge', 'c5n.2xlarge', 'c5n.4xlarge', 'c5n.9xlarge', 'c5n.18xlarge', 'c5n.large', 'c5n.metal', 'c5n.xlarge', ] PREV_COMPUTE_TYPES = [ 'c1.medium', 'c1.xlarge', 'cc2.8xlarge', 'cc1.4xlarge', ] ACCELERATED_COMPUTE_TYPES = [ 'f1.4xlarge', 'p2.xlarge', 'p2.8xlarge', 'p2.16xlarge', 'p3.16xlarge', 'p3.2xlarge', 'p3.8xlarge', 'p3dn.24xlarge', ] STORAGE_TYPES = [ 'h1.2xlarge', 'h1.4xlarge', 'h1.8xlarge', 'h1.16xlarge', 'i2.2xlarge', 'i2.4xlarge', 'i2.8xlarge', 'i2.xlarge', 'i3.2xlarge', 'i3.4xlarge', 'i3.8xlarge', 'i3.16xlarge', 'i3.large', 'i3.metal', 'i3.xlarge', 'i3en.2xlarge', 'i3en.3xlarge', 'i3en.6xlarge', 'i3en.12xlarge', 'i3en.24xlarge', 'i3en.large', 'i3en.xlarge', ] PREV_STORAGE_TYPES = [ # NOTE hi1.4xlarge is no longer in the instance type listings, # but some accounts might still have a limit for it 'hi1.4xlarge', 'hs1.8xlarge', ] DENSE_STORAGE_TYPES = [ 'd2.xlarge', 'd2.2xlarge', 'd2.4xlarge', 'd2.8xlarge', ] GPU_TYPES = [ 'g2.2xlarge', 'g2.8xlarge', 'g3.4xlarge', 'g3.8xlarge', 'g3.16xlarge', 'g3s.xlarge', 'g4dn.2xlarge', 'g4dn.4xlarge', 'g4dn.8xlarge', 'g4dn.12xlarge', 'g4dn.16xlarge', 'g4dn.metal', 'g4dn.xlarge', ] PREV_GPU_TYPES = [ 'cg1.4xlarge', ] FPGA_TYPES = [ # note, as of 2016-12-17, these are still in Developer Preview; # there isn't a published instance limit yet, so we'll assume # it's the default... 'f1.2xlarge', 'f1.16xlarge', ] return ( GENERAL_TYPES + PREV_GENERAL_TYPES + MEMORY_TYPES + PREV_MEMORY_TYPES + COMPUTE_TYPES + PREV_COMPUTE_TYPES + ACCELERATED_COMPUTE_TYPES + STORAGE_TYPES + PREV_STORAGE_TYPES + DENSE_STORAGE_TYPES + GPU_TYPES + PREV_GPU_TYPES + FPGA_TYPES )